Health & Safety
The safety of students and employees is Campbell Union School District's first priority.
Physical Distancing

The CDC and local health departments recommend maintaining 6 feet of physical distance to the extents practicable.
Face Coverings
All students and adults will be required to wear a face covering at all times when on school property, except when eating, drinking or participating in physical activity.

- All students (transitional kindergarten through 8th grade) are required to wear face coverings while arriving and departing campus and while waiting for or riding the school bus.
- At the teacher’s discretion, students may be allowed students may be allowed mask breaks while seated at their desks.
- Each school will maintain a supply of non-medical masks in case a student or staff member forget theirs and need one for the day.
- Students who repeatedly fail to wear masks appropriately despite instruction and reminders may be required to learn from home.
Health Screening
Parents or guardians are required to conduct symptom screening at-home with their child each day prior to arrival at school. Their signed copy of the COVID-19 Symptom Check Agreement acknowledging that they will conduct these daily symptom checks will be kept on file in the school office.
Daily screening must include taking the child’s temperature and reviewing the list of COVID-19 symptoms to determine whether the student has them. COVID-19 symptoms include:
Fever (100℉ or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, recent loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.
Students are to stay home if they exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms.
Students with any identified COVID-19 symptoms and/or a temperature of 100.0 degrees F or higher will be sent home immediately until testing and/or medical evaluation has been conducted. The student will wait in a safe, isolated area until the parent or caregiver arrives.
As we enter cold and flu season please be aware that children may exhibit symptoms not associated with COVID. If you are concerned about symptoms, please keep your child home and consult your physician.
Cleaning Protocols
Classrooms, restrooms and common areas will be cleaned daily and disinfected between cohorts. High-touch areas will be disinfected daily.
Classrooms will be provided with soap, hand sanitizer, and wipes. Additional hand sanitizing stations will be located in common areas, such as the school office, cafeteria, etc.
Students will be required to wash/sanitize their hands before entering classrooms as well as after bathroom visits.
At the end of the school day, students will wipe their desks with a cleansing wipe to facilitate disinfecting procedures.