
JL Holiday Meeting and Party 1:30-4pm

JL End of Year Party and Potluck 1:30-4pm

Girls basketball Vs CT English

Girls basketball Vs Steindorf

Sherman Oaks TK/K Enrollment Tour

Sherman Oaks TK/K Enrollment Tour

JV Girls Volleyball v Steindorf

JV & VAR Girls Volleyball v Redwood

Track and Field @ Prospect HS

Cafecito with the Principals

JV Girls Volleyball v Moreland

Subcommittee: Facilities & Technology

Winter Glow Middle School Dance

JV Girls Volleyball v CT English

4th & 6th Grade Exhibition Night

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

VAR Girls Volleyball v CT English

Subcommittee: Diversity & Inclusion

8th grade Parent Yosemite Info Meeting

VAR Girls Volleyball v Moreland

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Boys Soccer & Girls Volleyball Parent information meeting

Volunteer Appreciation Event

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Art, Innovation & Music Showcase

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

VAR Boys Soccer v Steindorf

JV Girl's Volleyball v Steindorf

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

Track and Field Final @Westmont

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

JV Girls Volleyball v Latimer

Sherman Oaks Board Presentation

Subcommittee: Intergovernmental

VAR Girls Volleyball v Latimer

VAR boys Soccer v EDS (Semi-Finals)

VAR Girls Volleyball v Steindorf

Diversity and Inclusion in Student Learning Board Subcommittee Meeting

JV Girls Soccer v EDS (Home Game)

VAR Girls Soccer v CT English

Facilities and Technology Subcommittee (at Forest Hill)

Fall Book Fair Grand Opening

5/6 Boys Basketball v Steindorf

7/8 Boys Basketball v Steindorf

5/6 Boys Basketball v Moreland

7/8 Boys Basketball v Moreland

Cafecito con las directoras

Sherman Oaks 8th Grade Promotion

Halloween Parade/PBIS Assembly

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Independence Day holiday

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Watch Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Kinder/TK Readiness Packets Available

Hazards of Youth Vaping - Gr 4-8 Parent Info

Building Math Mindsets at Castlemont!

Deadline: In-service Day Camp Reg

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Independence Day holiday

Labor Day (schools closed)

Veterans Day (schools closed)

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (schools closed)

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

Board Mtg. - Annual Organization of the Board

Subcommittee: Teaching & Learning

Professional Development Day (schools closed)

Memorial Day holiday (schools closed)

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