Eagle Express

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Upcoming Events

2024-2025 Grade Level Donations Lists

List of wished for donations by grade level for the 2024-2025 school year

Backpack with school supplies in it

Please take a look at the list of items that teachers would appreciate as donations for the upcoming school year:



1st Grade

2nd Grade:
Maestra Bañuelos

Maestra Ocana / Amazon Wish List

Maestra Martinez

3rd Grade

Maestra Barboza / Amazon Wish List

4th Grade

5th grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

Thank you so much! Any items are greatly appreciated!

We’re Thankful for You!

A Thanksgiving Message from the Superintendent

collage of partners working with students and staff.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to express our gratitude to the amazing community partners who enrich our students’ school experiences. From Elevate Math tutors supporting middle schoolers to Stanford’s Dr. Jo Boaler fostering a growth mindset in elementary math, and volunteers from Tzu Chi, Women’s League, and Foster Grandparents, your dedication fuels student success.

PTAs, Home-School Clubs, Boosters, and committees like the Innovation Council and Parent  Advisory Committees amplify these efforts, creating more opportunities and connections.

Thank you for helping us build a strong, supportive community. Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Ver el video en español.

Support with Breakfast with Santa Event - Apoyo con el Evento: Desayuno con el Papá Noel

Mensaje del PTC: Hola Familias de Sherman Oaks, Este sería el tercer año en que lo hemos realizado. Este evento ocupa muchisimo esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación del PTC y nuestras familias de Sherman Oaks . Necesitamos saber, en los próximos días, quien…

Mensaje del PTC:

Hola Familias de Sherman Oaks,

Este sería el tercer año en que lo hemos realizado. Este evento ocupa muchisimo esfuerzo, tiempo y dedicación del PTC y nuestras familias de Sherman Oaks. Necesitamos saber, en los próximos días, quien nos puede ayudar en realizar este evento. Si vemos que, desafortunadamente, tenemos muy pocos que puedan ayudar, tendremos que cancelar el evento este año. Por este enlace encontrarán la lista de trabajos que se tienen que cumplir para realizar el desayuno con Santa. La última fecha para apuntarse para un trabajo va ser lunes, el 18 de noviembre a las 8:00 am. De esta manera, cuando tengamos nuestra junta del PTC el lunes, 18 de noviembre, a las 8:15 am, podemos decidir si va ser un evento que realizaremos este año o no.

Durante 3 horas, las familias que pagan sus boletos pueden disfrutar de una reunión con Santa, su esposa la Sra. Claus y la comunidad en nuestro salón de usos múltiples que se convierte en el Polo Norte con comida y música. Este evento es un evento en el que no hay ganancia financiera tampoco es una recaudación de fondos. El evento se trata más de brindar una experiencia a nuestra comunidad. 


Building Connections: Teachers Boost Positive Parent Communication

ParentSquare and Postcards are Keeping Parents in the Loop

woman holding cell phone and reading a positive message from Terry's teacher

In the past two annual surveys, parents told us they wanted to receive more positive messages from the school about their child. Our teachers listened and are using our ParentSquare tools and other ideas to do just that!

In the first few months of this school year, teachers increased direct messages (DMs) by 17% district wide compared to the same period last year. Many schools are also sending “positive postcards” to families by mail, letting parents know about good things they notice about their students.

  • See answers to parents’ frequently asked questions here.
    ParentSquare FAQs  
  • Download the ParentSquare app.

La Voz

Happy Tuesday! We hope you had a restful long weekend as we honored our Veterans. Please take time to read our weekly newsletter. La Voz Español La Voz English Sincerely,  Directoras González y Núñez …

Happy Tuesday!

We hope you had a restful long weekend as we honored our Veterans.
Please take time to read our weekly newsletter.

La Voz Español
La Voz English

Directoras González y Núñez