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Upcoming Events

Multicultural/Movie Night

Our annual Multicultural/ Movie Night will take place this Friday September 13th at 6:00 pm.

Join us in celebrating all the different cultures in our community and watch a movie in the courtyard with the family. Families are encouraged to sign up to bring food from their countries to share. Food only has to be sample portions. If you would like to sign up to share food you may do so here. Fifth and 8th grade will also be selling food during multicultural night! Let's help them reach their goal in raising funds for Science Camp and Yosemite!

Safety Patrol: As always, we need parents to sign up for Safety Patrol so we can continue having these fun events. The Safety Patrol helps keep our events safe for all of our families. Their task is to ensure kids are safe and only hanging out in designated areas. Please help us and sign up for Safety Patrol

Back to School Night

The event will take place on Tuesday September 10 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for Back to School Night. The event will take place on Tuesday September 10 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Teachers will be sharing information about what students will be learning this year, as well as class schedules, and ways in which you can support their learning. Childcare will be provided.  BTSN Schedule


2024-2025 Grade Level Donations Lists

List of wished for donations by grade level for the 2024-2025 school year

Backpack with school supplies in it

Please take a look at the list of items that teachers would appreciate as donations for the upcoming school year:



1st Grade

2nd Grade:
Maestra Bañuelos

Maestra Ocana / Amazon Wish List

Maestra Martinez

3rd Grade

Maestra Barboza / Amazon Wish List

4th Grade

5th grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

Thank you so much! Any items are greatly appreciated!

Building Community and Empowering Newcomers  

Campbell Union School District's Newcomer Initiatives  

Student of Asian heritage saying welcome

Campbell Union School District (CUSD) is making strides in supporting a growing number of "newcomer students"—those who are new to the country and the U.S. school system—who enroll in our schools. In response to this trend, CUSD, under the direction of the Governing Board, launched several initiatives to foster a welcoming and supportive environment for these students and their families.  

“Our new students, many from Latin America and Southeast Asia, often have strong educational backgrounds but lack English language skills,” said Campbell Union School District Board President Danielle Cohen.

Student reads lesson translated into Tagalog.

“It’s a unique challenge: they are educated but not proficient in English, making integration into our schools difficult. By improving access to lesson content and building a strong sense of community for them and their families, the District is helping these students succeed academically and setting the stage for a bright future in their new home.” 

Leading these efforts is Denise Kilpatrick, the district’s Coordinator of English Language Development (ELD) Programs. Under her guidance, the school district introduced specialized newcomer resources to help students acclimate socially and academically. One of the standout initiatives was a pilot program at a middle school.

“Last year, we piloted a program at a middle school, which provided dedicated newcomer support,” Kilpatrick explained. “The teacher in charge built strong relationships with students and their families, while collaborating with other teachers to provide necessary resources. Due to its success, we’ve expanded this support across the district.”

Program Expands

In January 2024, to support teachers with newcomer students in their classrooms, the school district assigned two full-time ELD specialists to work across four schools. These specialists provided instruction and resources for newcomer students and their families, to equip the entire family for success. Community liaisons also play a pivotal role in the district’s support network, linking families with vital resources and organizing family connection events.

“We are formalizing the support systems we used last year and ensuring that teachers are ready to help newcomers, regardless of when they arrive or their current skill level,” said Cohen.

Technology Supports Language Access

Technology is also playing a key role in these efforts. Through a loaner iPad program, CUSD ensures that students have access to educational and informational apps that ease their transition into the U.S. school system. Additionally, parents can use the iPads to access community services, take English language classes, and more, helping them establish a support network for their families.

By placing the needs of newcomer students and their families at the forefront, CUSD is fulfilling its mission to create an inclusive environment where all students can thrive.

“With the right support early on, these students will need fewer resources over time. Just as we do with our focus on TK and Kindergarten readiness, addressing newcomers’ needs early helps them acclimate and integrate into the community more quickly,” Cohen added.

“Our goal is to ensure that every newcomer feels embraced and supported from the moment they step into our district,” said Kilpatrick. “Students can only succeed when they feel safe, and we are committed to providing that environment for all of our students.”

As the district moves forward, the success and expansion of the newcomer program will continue to depend on the needs of the community. One thing is clear: CUSD is dedicated to creating a welcoming space for all students, regardless of where they come from or what challenges they face.

September is Attendance Awareness Month

September is Attendance Awareness Month

student in class

Regular, on-time attendance is essential for building good habits and academic success. As the school year begins, it's important to stress that being in school every day helps your child stay on track with lessons, engage in activities, and strengthen their learning foundation. This leads to better grades and a deeper understanding of the material.

Attendance also instills key life skills like responsibility, punctuality, and perseverance. It fosters strong relationships with peers and teachers, which supports social and emotional growth. Missing even a day or two can set your child back, so prioritizing attendance is crucial. Thank you for your continued partnership to ensure student success!