Sherman Oaks Dual Language Immersion School

Multicultural/Movie Night

Our annual Multicultural/ Movie Night will take place this Friday September 13th at 6:00 pm.

Join us in celebrating all the different cultures in our community and watch a movie in the courtyard with the family. Families are encouraged to sign up to bring food from their countries to share. Food only has to be sample portions. If you would like to sign up to share food you may do so here. Fifth and 8th grade will also be selling food during multicultural night! Let's help them reach their goal in raising funds for Science Camp and Yosemite!

Safety Patrol: As always, we need parents to sign up for Safety Patrol so we can continue having these fun events. The Safety Patrol helps keep our events safe for all of our families. Their task is to ensure kids are safe and only hanging out in designated areas. Please help us and sign up for Safety Patrol